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small animals to fill in the broken place that can play the role of decoration, and cover up the damaged hole, kill two birds with one stone.If the sweater itself is with a hole, there is a hole is not obvious, as long as the hole around the hole with Dog toys Plus Size kitchen gadgets Cheap lingerie Corset tops maternity clothing fine line edge, lock some fine, do not let the hole to expand it can be, the hole repaired, does not affect the appearance of the whole sweater, as good as the same.
If they are in a hole in the hem of the sweater, and the hole is not a hole at all, but to pull, is a chain of moments of hole, also need not deliberately mended and will only hole in the root of the good, just pull out, don't tube, like a style of sweater, just want to wear a longer shirt inside, don't let the skin to appear.
If the sweater is a big hole above, with a wool woven is not easy to weave